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Work in progress

Recently I have learned the definition of philosophy - working out the best way to think about things. And I could really relate to it when I am trying to work on myself. When was the last time you worked on yourself? By assessing yourself whether you are treating the things or others with all the respect that they deserve, neither less nor exaggerating it. Nobody can be perfect, but that should not stop us from becoming a better individual. We do this questioning very rarely because may be we were afraid that we might have to move a bit from our comfort zones. These zones are so big and so deep and so tall that we think that there is no way we can ever come out of it. This thought makes us think - why give a try if it's not going to happen ever? But in reality we are not at a luxury that we can actually postpone or ignore this if it's really something that disturbs the natural way of treating anything. Whenever I try to work upon myself, if I'm at the giving end, then trust me it's not easy to bring the change that one deserves so easily. When I pondered upon - there is a gap between willingness and implementation. I think, I plan, I work, I visualize and do whatever I can possibly do before I happen to commit the same mistake, but somehow again I go back to my past self most of the times. It takes a great amount of practice, inspiration, motivation, determination and support to achieve what you wanted for yourself. The moment you feel that you have changed, by neither acting nor forcing yourself, but by understanding that you might feel the same way when you are not treated the way you deserved and by giving importance to how much happiness you will give and how much satisfaction you will get by doing a thing right is so fulfilling. Behaving this way could be with a plant, a kid, a person or anything in nature. This kind of mutual respect will keep you at harmony and will give you a sense of pride in establishing the things just like they are. And I hope that this be a never ending process - work in progress mode in asking all those questions about yourself and bridging all those gaps that are waiting to be filled.


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